Are you a smoker? Have you tried to quit smoking and failed? Few things are as challenging as quitting smoking. Smokers know they need to quit and most want to quit. In fact, when asked, most smokers say they wish they had never smoked that first cigarette. Nicotine is oneContinue Reading

Are you a smoker who looking for a smoking cessation program that actually works?Go to, take a survey and watch the video – best tips for quitting smoking for good. Do you wonder if there is an easy and painless way to quit? It’s absolutely true that hypnosis isContinue Reading

Kicking a smoking habit is probably amongst the most challenging endeavors that a smoker can undertake. Research has shown that nicotine is as addictive as some hard drugs, so there is no use beating yourself up about your failure to give up so far. Simply going “cold turkey” is probablyContinue Reading