What is and how do you actively trade in today’s world? #investing101 #budgeting #trading #tradeinvesting #money #householdbudget Active trading consists of buying and selling securities for quick profit based on a short-term movement in price. You hold the position for only a short amount of time and then sell itContinue Reading

#GratitudeMeditation #GratitudeAffirmations #432HZ See yourself in a Different place, start with meditation. Listen and hear this guided meditation. Our little contribution to improving the world a little better place to live in is by helping individuals change in accordance with a more positive perspective. Composing at any rate three positiveContinue Reading

Have you ever pranked a family member or friend? THis is a great prank video. #pranks #comedy #humor #funny #funnystuff a trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxr8YrvaNxqEQNiN7hiKTRQ its a reaction, prank and vlog channel. Have you ever just tried toContinue Reading

#history #learning #kidslearning #onlineclasses #history #education Childrens Early Learning – History – Remote Learning This video of Abraham Lincoln for kids includes so many interesting facts and an easily understandable biography of the 16th president of the United States that is suitable for all ages. The Abraham Lincoln biography forContinue Reading

#poetry #relationships #love #hurting  The video is about a previous marriage. It describes the relationship within the marriage and what occured. The video is to raise awareness about domestic abuse and divorce. www.shariewithlove.com   About: Poetry, Divorce, Relationships and moreContinue Reading

When you are stressed it is often hard to fall to sleep. #depression #stress #sleep #wellness We all face problems when it comes to making time for great sleep and that’s why Lissa Coffey, spokesperson for the Better Sleep Council, and Jaymes Vaughan are giving us some tips on howContinue Reading

There are those people that just love the Kitchen and when your looking for Wedding Gift ideas here are a few. #coffeemugs #cookingshows #cooking #coffee #kitchen Emily Loftis’s shares some of her must-have appliances for your kitchen and home this summer! Wedding season is here and our Victoria Collection isContinue Reading

#Freedom #Democracy #USA #gunrights Speaking about the measure of freedom enjoyed by the people in a republic or democracy, Tytler wrote, “The people flatter themselves that they have the sovereign power. These are, in fact, words without meaning. It is true they elected governors; but how are these elections broughtContinue Reading

An incredible story shared about Yangon Expat in Quarantine. #quarantine #lockdown #coronavirus #boredom As you can probably tell by this video, I am quarantined for one week in a hotel and then one week in an apartment in a foreign country; Yangon. Being stuck in a single hotel room isContinue Reading