Bruce Everiss is a veteran of the video game industry. He opened his computer shop, Microdigital, in Liverpool in 1978 and also published one of the first computer magazines, Liverpool Software Gazette. He then went to Imagine Software as Operations Director and then Tansoft to be Managing Director. Then aContinue Reading

Diminished Value: What The Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know If you have been in a vehicle accident with a newer automobile that was not totaled however received a substantial quantity of damages, you may be entitled to more cash than you understand about. The majority of insurance groupsContinue Reading

Online reputation marketing and management covers both establishing the image of your “brand” or company, and controlling that image. Studies have shown that customers often base their purchasing decisions on perceptions, rather than facts. If a customer believes a certain mass merchandise store mistreats their employees, for instance, they willContinue Reading